Working Skills, Required By Georgian Employers

Working Skills, Required By Georgian Employers

Main challenge faced by enterprises while recruiting new staff is the lack of technical skills, related to specific equipment or processes, used by the enterprise (30.5%), – these are the result of labor market surveys conducted by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development. Other challenges are lack of teamwork skills (16%), lack of the ability to obtain new information and skills (13.2%) and lack of calculation, reading, data and table usage skills (9.6%).

Main problem in Tbilisi is the lack of calculation, reading data/table usage skills (85%) and lack of the ability to obtain new information/skills (83%). In the rest of Georgia, the biggest problem is the lack of decision-making skills (47%) and the lack of problem solving skills (41%).

Lack of skills of the applicants by professional groups:

  • Majority of specialists/professionals in the field of life sciences and healthcare (6.5% of respondents), education (2.4%) and commercial performance (3.8%) mainly have problems with teamwork skills;
  • Specialists/professionals in the field of physics, mathematics and engineering (1.5%) lack ICT skills;
  • Workers of individual services and security and models (2.8%), sales assistants and goods demonstrators (13.7%) lack technical skills;
  • Workers of food manufacturing and related fields lack both technical skills (13.7%) and the ability to obtain new information and skills (10.7%).
  • Majority of representatives of client informing sector lack calculation, reading, data/table usage and information presenting, analyzing and conveying skills (2.8%).

The survey revealed that employees are not actively involved with regard to workforce development. Namely, only 5% (4,762 enterprises) of the surveyed enterprises have participated in trainings during the last 12 months (most active in trainings have been representatives of trade (22%), professional, scientific and technical activities (14%), healthcare (10%) and transport (9%) fields). 71.3% of enterprises have themselves conducted trainings and 55% were financed by the enterprises.

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