Over 7 Million Users - The Number of BM.GE Readers Has Increased by 41% in 2022

Over 7 Million Users - The Number of BM.GE Readers Has Increased by 41% in 2022

According to Google Analytics, the number of readers of bm.ge website in 2022 was 7.24 million, which was 41% more than the previous year. According to Google Analytics, these 7.24 million readers (Users) made a total of 16.8 million sessions on the website, which was 24% more than the previous year.

In December 2022, the number of readers of bm.ge reached 806 thousand, which is a 30% increase compared to the previous year. Compared to the previous month, the increase is 39.6%. As for the number of sessions, it was 1.3 million in December, which is 39% more than the previous month, and 23% more than the same period last year.

The average duration of one visit was 58 seconds.

According to Google Analytics, 59.8% of bm.ge readers landed on the site via a link from a social media platform, 25.2% of visits were direct visits, and 14.8% of visits were other visits.

During the period, 56% of bm.ge readers were women and 44% were men. In terms of age, 14% of readers were 18-24 years old, 28% were 25-34 years old, 27% were 35-44 years old, 17% were 45-54 years old, 9% were 55-64 years old. s, and the number of readers older than 65 was 5%.

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