Georgia to Host Global Competition „Future Agro Challenge“ for the Third Time

Georgia to Host Global Competition „Future Agro Challenge“ for the Third Time

Future Agro Challenge is an international competition that aims to foster and support a community of startups, innovators, farmers, manufacturers, people interested in agritourism and agriculture. The competition brings together stakeholders from countries worldwide to start a global conversation, focused on discovering fundable food, agricultural technology, agro-tourism and agriculture innovators and “agripreneurs.”

It’s already the third year that the Future Agro Challenge is taking place in Georgia.

Organized by Startup Büro and Agro Solutions, this year’s conference-Bootcamp will take place on December 3-5 at Tech Park Georgia.

The General Partners of Future Agro Challenge Georgia are the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and Liberty Bank. The competition is organized with support from Georgia’s innovation and Technology Agency and Georgian Farmers’ Association.

To participate, interested teams must apply until November 29, 23:59 at

The chosen applicants will be invited to participate in a Bootcamp on December 3-5 or to directly pitch in the finals on December 5, where the national winner (“Agripreneur of the Year”) will be selected among the Bootcamp participants and the finalists.

The National winner will receive a 2000 GEL monetary prize and gain access to world-class mentors, investors, potential clients, and new market opportunities at the FAC Global Championship, a highlight event at the Global Agripreneurs Summit in Greece in 2022.

“We aim to identify more and more agrifood startups in the startup ecosystem,  we do our best to strengthen and help them to succeed. Future Agro Challenge is the project which identifies new talents every year and we introduce them to the world”- Guri Koiava, Co-founder of Startup Büro and Co-organizer of Future Agro Challenge Georgia

“The whole world agrees that the only solution for sustainable farming lies in technology. Future Agro Challenge is the exact platform that will collect, identify and strengthen the motivation of youngsters to innovate and solve the ongoing challenges for the future,” says Irakli Chikava, Commercial Director of Agro Solutions and Co-organizer of Future Agro Challenge Georgia.

This year too, Future Agro Challenge Georgia will host speakers from Europe’s largest companies and will focus on acute global challenges, threats and technological innovations.

They will highlight the following topics:

– Farm Management Software and its practical applications in agriculture

– Sensors and their importance in modern agriculture

– Water and land resources: their scarcity and modern solutions for optimal usage

– Urban Farming: is it the future of food production?

– Food Waste and post-harvest technologies

Future Agro Challenge Georgia will be held in the following categories:

  1. Food tech
  2. Ag tech (including precision agriculture, robots, drones, etc.)
  3. Agroforestry & Husbandry
  4. Food/Beverage (Product/Retail)
  5. Food Security & Sustainability
  6. Food Waste
  7. Nutrition & Health
  8. Safety & Health
  9. Packaging & Logistics
  10. Agriculture Education
  11. Agriculture Tourism
  12. Agriculture Production & Processing

More information about Future Agro Challenge Georgia is available here:

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