The World Justice Project published an index for the Rule of Law of a selection of different countries. The aim of the research was to determine how much of an influence the Rule of Law has over corruption and poverty within these different countries, as well as how much it reinforces the protection of basic human rights, and the accountability of governments towards their societies.
In the ranking among 126 countries, Georgia holds 41st position: 3 positions behind last year. However, unlike 2018, the ranking covers 8 new countries. Georgia’s ranking, which is counted from 0 to 1, is 0.61 and is analogous to the last year’s indicator, though still lower than the ranking point of 2017.
It should be noted, that Georgia holds the leading position in the eastern European and Central Asian region, which includes 13 countries in total.
The index is comprised of 8 parts of criteria.
Within the criterion of government authority - which measures the efficiency of the governmental institutions and non-governmental sectors – Georgia holds the 53rd position among 126 countries. Compared to last year, Georgia has increased by 1 point.
The second criterion measures three types of corruption: bribe-taking; abuse of power for private interests; and embezzlement of public or other resources. In this regard, Georgia holds the 24th position with 0.7 points. In comparison to last year, Georgia went down 1 position with 0.3 points.
The open government criterion measures how accessible old or new legislative reforms are for the public, and how involved the society is in this process. In this regard, Georgia holds 39th position with 0.59 points. In only one year, Georgia ascended 3 positions.
In the criterion of basic human rights, Georgia is number 48, with 0.62 points among 126 countries. Compared to last year, Georgia’s position has worsened by 2 positions.
For order and safety – a criterion that evaluates the level of crime, as well as political and non-political violence – Georgia holds 36th position with 0.78 points, which is 6 positions less than before.
The efficiency of regulations criterion measures, on one hand, how effectively the regulations are implemented, and how considered the interests of public and private citizens are on the other. With 0.56 points, Georgia is number 42. Compared to last year Georgia has dropped 10 positions in this criterion.
In the criterion of Civil Law, Georgia holds the 62nd position with 0.54 points; whereas last year, Georgia reached 58th position.
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