The Ferrero Group has presented its VII CSR report

The Ferrero Group has presented its VII CSR report

The Ferrero Group has presented its seventh corporate social responsibility report (CSR) with a Special Focus on projects in Georgia at Residence of Ambassador of Italy in Georgia.

Participants at the event included Aldo Uva, Chief Operating Officer Strategic Business Units , PM Giorgi kvirikashvili, Levan Davitashvili Minister of Agriculture of Georgia; The works were introduced by Ambassador Francesco Paolo Fulci, President of Ferrero SpA (Italy).  

For the Ferrero Group, implementing social responsibility in its daily activities does not represent only a formal commitment, but a characteristic of its own DNA. This is emblematically demonstrated by the far-reaching words expressed by Michele Ferrero in 1957: “I personally pledge to dedicate everything I do and all my intentions to our company, assuring you that I will only feel satisfied once I am able to ensure you and your children a safe and peaceful future”.

An innate facet of the Group’s strategy is the combination of quality, innovation, care for people, transparent communication, support for local communities, the promotion of active lifestyles for young people, a strong commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and the safeguarding of the environment.

Giovanni Ferrero, CEO of the Ferrero Group, in the introduction of the report confirmed the consistency of the Group’s vision of corporate social responsibility, highlighting the new important achievements in this direction and underling that: “Being a Global Group does not prevent us from acting locally, thus we maintain our strong bond with the people and territory in which we operate”.

 The report is structured along two dimensions entitled People and Planet. These are the main evidences of CSR Ferrero’s strategy on People and the Planet:


• For Ferrero this term first and foremost refers to consumers, to whom the Group dedicates itself on a daily basis. This dedication derives from a sense of responsibility that goes beyond financial results and is channeled through Ferrero’s strategy; manifesting itself in nutrition, quality and freshness, food safety and responsible communication.

• People also refer to the Group’s employees and ex-employees, their families, in addition to the communities where Ferrero is present. From the very beginning Ferrero has taken into great consideration the needs of people who have made and continue to make the Group’s history, as well as the wellbeing of the local communities in which Ferrero operates. With this aim, the Group promotes various initiatives through the Ferrero Foundation, the Michele Ferrero Entrepreneurial Project and Kinder+Sport, a sports programme that promotes active lifestyles among young generations.


• Within an environmental context, the Ferrero Group has set itself concrete objectives to achieve by 2020, strongly committing itself to the development of sustainable agricultural practices and to minimizing its environmental impact. In particular, the programme “Ferrero Farming Values” guides all of Ferrero’s social responsibility activities carried out along the supply chains of its raw materials. 

The Report was made based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines. The independent review of the entire report was carried out by Deloitte & Touche Spa.


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