The Share Of Tourism In The Economy Of Georgia And The Countries Of The Region

The Share Of Tourism In The Economy Of Georgia And The Countries Of The Region

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has published the 2017 report. For 25 years now, the organization has been studying the influence of tourism on the economy of 185 countries of the world by various indicators. The Council makes forecasts for current year as well as for a long-term period (2017).

According to WTTC forecast for 2017, direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP of Georgia will increase up to 10%. Last year this indicator was 8,1%.

According to the report, last year, the share of tourism sector in employment was 6,8%. Forecast for 2017 is 9,2%.

As to Georgia’s position in comparison with other countries of the world – according to the contribution of tourism to GDP, in 2016, Georgia held 99th position (1,2 bln US dollars), Turkey – 14th position, Russia – 23rd, Iran – 34th, Romania – 70th, Bulgaria – 83rd, Azerbaijan – 88th, Ukraine – 93rd and Armenia – 135th.

WTTC notes that in 2016, direct influence of travel and tourism on GDP of Georgia was 8,1%. With this indicator (8,1%) Georgia holds 32nd position among 185 countries. For Turkey, this value makes 4,1% and the country holds 73rd position on the list, Russia is number 178 with 1,3% and Ukraine is at 72nd place with 1,5%.

Direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP reflects economic activeness, created by hotels, tourist organizations, air companies, travel means, restaurants, etc.

According to the recent report of WTTC, direct tourism and travel to Georgia managed to generate 122,000 jobs in 2016, which makes 6,8% of total employment. This year 5,9% growth of this value is forecasted (129,000 jobs), which in 2017 will make 7,2% of total employment. The above criterion includes the number of employees in hotels, travel agencies, airports and other travel services.

According to direct contribution to employment, in 2016, tourism and travel in Georgia made 6,8% and the country held 41st position in the world. Azerbaijan – 89th, Armenia – 98th, Bulgaria – 102nd, Turkey – 162nd. In 2017, it is estimated that the direct contribution of tourism to total employment will grow up to 5,9% and Georgia will be shifted to the 28th position.

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