Trump’s Administration: Billionaires’ Cabinet - A Genuine Big League

Trump’s Administration: Billionaires’ Cabinet - A Genuine Big League

A charismatic Billionaire and extraordinary personality authoring over fifteen business bestsellers, the president-elect of the United States Donald J. Trump will definitely share another success story to American people tutoring how to march the thorny path to the world’s most prestigious post. Subsequent to astonishing triumph over Hilary Clinton in a tough presidential race, a faddy ability of convincing people currently expanded to politics is probably the clue of Donald Trump’s mind and the power of his psychology which is likely to shape his presidency as well.  

While traveling the thank-you rally the president-elect publicized his cabinet choices for the top administration jobs. A Cabinet of billionaires with “a few poor millionaires on it” this is how Senator Bernie Sanders assessed trump’s future administration which will most probably be the richest in the US history. While discussions are high “a world class player” Donald Trump’s nominee for the Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, Exxon Mobil CEO tightly connected to the Russian President Vladimir V. Putin is still awaiting a senate confirmation for the position together with a number of billionaires, Goldman Sachs bankers and investors.

All through election campaign president-elect was giving the promise of the cogent picture of the Great America with a booming economy producing about 25 million new jobs for the American Economy and around 3.5 percent economic growth per year. Trump repeatedly initiated trade barriers and sweeping reforms in tax and energy eager to defeat the unequal system, squeezed living standards and the lowest labor force participation since 1970.

While blaming free-trade agreements in the collapse of the American manufacturing industry Trump’s Pro-growth Economic policy pledged for renegotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and other large-scale trade deals, particularly Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiated between 12 countries around the Pacific rim and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between Europe and the US with initially protectionist and  anti-globalisation rationale willing to end unfair advantage of other countries over the United States and gain better deals to American workers.[1]

Fitting the standards of administration officials Donald Trump pledged during the campaign, a vocal supporter of the president-elect, 78-year-old investor Donald Trump’s pick for the Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on behalf of American workers will identify every violation of trade agreements and serve the US interests around the world following US Senate consent.

While president-elect, a real hope for millions of discontent working-class Americans believing being left behind the growing economic prosperity and oppressed by the elaboration of minorities and competition from illegal immigrants, is resourcing a unique and unprecedented billionaires’ cabinet in the US history the whole world is breathlessly keeping an eye on the administration forming process trying to divine the contours of the world’s superpower’s domestic and foreign policy.

Georgia in Focus

The national excitement and commotion around the US elections spread worldwide have not left Georgia as exclusion. Soon after the announcement of the election results Trump’s Georgian Counterpart welcomed the new administration. Underlining the importance of the US-Georgia strategic partnership President Margvelashvili expressed initial readiness for further enhancement of long-lasting Georgian-American friendship to ensure worldwide peace and security.

Prior to a political limelight, Georgia fell under the economic prism of the president-elect Donald J. Trump earlier before the 2012 Parliamentary Elections facilitating the launch of Trump Tower-branded project in Batumi. While looking forward to the brighter future Trump tower project in Georgia scheduled to be started in 2013, envisioned an investment of $250 million received a “default notice” following to the cancellation of a licensing deal for a hotel in Azerbaijan. Although the verdict of the Trump organization which holds stakes in about 500 companies in more than 20 countries around the globe is perceived to be preventive to potential conflict of interests once Donald Trump becomes president, organization’s lawyer Alan Garten ensures that decision has no political strategy and projects were not meeting institutive requirements and were behind schedule. 

While getting ready to take office as 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump has left managerial control of his business and transferred it to his two adult sons and other executives declaring on social media Presidency to be “far more important task”.  Regardless the future of Trump Tower-branded project in Batumi Georgian political elite is confident that US-Georgia 25 year strategic partnership will continue with renewed energy for further advanced mutually-beneficial cooperation.


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